Monday, May 21, 2012

Globe Awards

1. What did you think about the article?
I think this article is kind of interesting, because it tells you these great things that other people can't do that some kids do.
2. How did it make you feel to read about your school and Globaloria, a program that you participate in.
It made me feel that us are very smart because people would be impressed.
3. If your game was featured in the article, how did it make you feel? Proud, happy? 
If my game was to be in the article I would feel very proud of me and my teamates.
4. If your game was not featured in the article, what would you like for the author to have said about your game? 
I would like the aouthor to say: "I saw some really other great games!"
5. Which game do you think the author should have mentioned in his article and why? 
Ours, because it teaches about World War II and other stuff.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Forks Over Knives

What do you think this documentary will be about?
What do you think the title implies or indicates about the film?

I think this film is about bad junk food, because the title makes me think about food which is  basically the way you make and eat food.

I think this film is awesome!! I didn't know that all of that junk that we eat could kill us. I'm going to stop eating all that bad food. I'm only going to eat it moderately. I don't want to die so fast. People need to know all this stuff. We need to eat more healthier. Other people just don't care. 
Hundreds of people die each year, just because of eating junk food.
Scientists have found that all that fat gets into our vanes and causes heart attacks.They also found that animal food products are bad.
Animal protein is important for the human health.
Scientists found that a small percent are caused by cells.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

My Top 3 Choices

1.Game Name:WWII Team:WW2 Class:5-II Arcos

2.Game Name:Young,Wild, & Free Team:Buddies, Class:6-II Valdez
My Comments:
I really liked you're game. It was really fun to play.I also liked how yall did a lot of drawing.

3.Game Name:DISASTER Team:The Packers

Class:5II Arcos
My Comments:
I relly liked your game and how you were creative with it,I also liked the second level.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

About World War II
The player gets to know about the war 
Theres some slides about the war.
Shooting and more organized.
The most challenging part of the game was putting the scenes together.
I figured out that me and my team can do everything if we try our best!!