Thursday, November 10, 2011

How To Properly Cite a Website

We are going to site our info that way people would know we didn't just make this up.

Source 1
Article Title: World War ll 
Website Name:
Retrieved: Day Unknown

Source 2
Author: Unknown
Article: War

Retrieved: Unknown

Source 3
Website Name:Wikipedia
Published Date:Unkno

Monday, November 7, 2011

Choosing a Topic:Possible Research Topics

      Here is a list of possible Science Topics that I could research in Choosing a Topic

Environmental Science
Renewable Energies
Renewable Resources
Repurposing of  Resources -Plastic,Paper
Illness/Disease- AIDS, Lupus, Cerebral Palsy, Juvenile Diabetes, Asthma, Scoliosis, Parkinson's  Disease 
Endangered Species- Poaching, Climate Change: Melting Ice Caps, Water Pollution
Deforestation- Erosion, Deposition, Decline in resources
Illegal Dumping
Animal Abuse 
Oil Drilling, Earthquakes caused by Hydraulic Fracking

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

March of the Penguins

The challenges the penguins have to overcome is food, storms, and take care of their baby's.The Penguins have to look for food to feed their babies.The adaptations penguins have to survive is their tick fur.It helps them to stay warm during the winter.