My teams topic is recycling.The most important concept I want to give to the players is that if we don't take care of our world we cannot survive.Some people don't even care about it.People shouldn't throw plastic in ocean and start recycling,because that can kill a lot of fish.Pollution also can cause lung problems
because of all the chemicals and it will very slowly kill your lungs and that may cause lung cancer.Air pollutioncould hurt a lot of people including animals and plants.Air pollution has many affects. If it is in the form of gases in the atmosphere, it can cause global warming and Ozone Layer depletion. These gases can also condense within clouds and pollute the rain that falls, subsequently polluting the water and land that the rain falls onto. Also, air pollution can be very harmful if breathed in by humans.When pollution (Greenhouse gases) build up in the earth's atmosphere, they trap heat. So as more green house gasses build up, more heat is trapped in earth's atmosphere, therefore causing earth to heat up which is causing global warming.Cars also create air pollution.400,000 people in China each year die premature deaths due to pollution.These are soem links of articles and videos!
1)Air pollution
2) Air pollution in Beijing,China
3)Pollution in Chile Santiago
4)pollution article
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