Thursday, November 10, 2011

How To Properly Cite a Website

We are going to site our info that way people would know we didn't just make this up.

Source 1
Article Title: World War ll 
Website Name:
Retrieved: Day Unknown

Source 2
Author: Unknown
Article: War

Retrieved: Unknown

Source 3
Website Name:Wikipedia
Published Date:Unkno

Monday, November 7, 2011

Choosing a Topic:Possible Research Topics

      Here is a list of possible Science Topics that I could research in Choosing a Topic

Environmental Science
Renewable Energies
Renewable Resources
Repurposing of  Resources -Plastic,Paper
Illness/Disease- AIDS, Lupus, Cerebral Palsy, Juvenile Diabetes, Asthma, Scoliosis, Parkinson's  Disease 
Endangered Species- Poaching, Climate Change: Melting Ice Caps, Water Pollution
Deforestation- Erosion, Deposition, Decline in resources
Illegal Dumping
Animal Abuse 
Oil Drilling, Earthquakes caused by Hydraulic Fracking

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

March of the Penguins

The challenges the penguins have to overcome is food, storms, and take care of their baby's.The Penguins have to look for food to feed their babies.The adaptations penguins have to survive is their tick fur.It helps them to stay warm during the winter.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Playing to learn Genre:Strategy

The game that i played is survival.This game is awsome made by some kids at East Austin College Prep Academy.You can choose your character.

Playing To Learn Genre:Sports and Racing

My game that i played was gravitee.This game is where you need to throw a ball in the hole each level theres more planets and the sun.


My favorite adventure game was Mario.You need to kill the mushroom and the turtles.This game is really fun.Each time it gets hard and hard.


The game that i liked the most is Hobo Prison Brawl.The social issue is that a lot of people escape from jail and kill people.I could give you the codes but no.

Mazes and Puzzles

The game  Robot Maze its cool because each time you have less and less time to get out the maze.I only got to level; 1 because te second level you got less time.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Super cool minigame


Was it hard to make your mini game?

I still haven't finish my super cool mini game

 What was the best part of this topic? 
The best part was that we could do it of whatever we want

The worst part?
The worst part is score keeping.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Super Cool Mingame

I'm makin a super cool minigame about a kid trying to get an apple to get ready for school.You use the arrow keys to move the kid.Thares a bad kid that doesn't let you get the apple.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Games and Puzzles

Puzzles are kind of confusing because it gives things that you need to figure out for your own like the game Robot Maze.This game was easy on the first level,but on the 2nd level it got confusing.Puzzles is where you have to put things together.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Playing to learn Genre:Action

Action games have fighting,shooting,and combat.Action games sometimes are violent and they are also fun.You can also learn from some of them.Theres always a  good guy and a bad guy

Friday, September 23, 2011

Mini Game

It was  easy to make the minigame.It also gave me some practice on flash.The part that I think  it was hard is the  Collision Detection & Score Keeping.I asked for help to Salvador.I think I still need a little more practice for Collision Detection.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

How did gamers use the computer gameFoldit to solve the protein folding mystery? Has a puzzle to were you put the proteins.

Who can particpate in this problem solving and be a player in Foldit
 People with no background in biochemistry.

What can critical thinking do for science? Cure virus's

If you could solve a mystery through gaming for any kind of disease or illness in the world, what would it be?HIV

Friday, September 9, 2011


How old were you on September 11, 2001?
I was 2 years old.
When did you first learn about the attacks and who explained the events to you?
in 6th grade
What kind of impact did these attacks have on your life or your parents lives?

They were shocked!!!
What was the issue with this game?
How do you feel about it?
What is the problem with portraying on such an awful violent event through a video game?
makes a lot of people sad.
How can you make sure that your web games tell the whole story or teach a lesson in an honorable way?they have a little story.

Monday, August 29, 2011

2 Single Story 2011

                                      "Danger of a Single Story"

  •  What does it mean to have a "single story" about a place or community?When you have a story about a community.
  • Describe a single story you have heard told about your community.What is missing from that story?How could people learn more  about that community?Posting blogs and publishing stories about them.
  • Describe a single story you have heard about  that community.How did you learn that story?How could you find out more about that community?Go visit the community and ask some questions about that town.
  • How could a game let players experience many stories about a place or community?Doing a game educational,and sefa because some games offend other people.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Cyberbullying notes

1.) What is Taylors attitude toward "CLICKSTERS" in the beaginning of the story? Likes to chat.

2.)What type of relationship does she have with her family? A private relationship.

3.)What type of friendship does she have? She has a good friendship.

4.)Whaen does the Cyberbullying beagin? Whe her brother changes password and writes unappropiate stuff.

5.)What is the result of Cyberbully that  Taylor expiriences?Every one sprads rumors about her.

6.)What type of Cyberbully does Taylor expirience?Bad one.

7.)What would you do if you were in Taylor's shoes?
Speak up!!!

8.How does Taylor react to the mean comments that people post?Bad

8.)Does she ever try to stop people from posting insults?No.

9.)How do you think Taylor felt about her friends betraying her? Alone.

10.) What kind of changes you see Taylor expiriens through out the film?Friendship 

1 Cyberbullying 2011

1.What is Cyberbully?
Cyberbully is when you send bad messeges to people.
2.What are the different types of Cyberbully/
The types of Cyberbully are:Bad Messeaging,Gossiping,and sending little notes to other people talking bad about you.
3.What should you do if you are Cyberbullyed? TELL an trusted adult.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Last day of school

        Tomorrow is the last day of school.I think I'm going to be here for 6th grade again.I think that tommorrow will be awesome.After that i will get to go to the pool.There will be a yearbook party where you get others students to sign your yearbook.♀♀♀

Prcy Jackson film☻

This movie is awesome even  if ive seen it a lot of times at home.This movie is cool because it has a lot of action and a lot of monsters like the minotuar.I reccomend this movie if you like  monsters or magic.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Un dia sin mexicanos(film)

I like a movie called Un Dia Sin Mexicanos.Its about some people/american that hate mexican people,even knowing that their one of their family.One day all mexican people disapear.All their family miss them.This movie cuzes a little bit.

Only for mature people like me!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Apollo 13

This movie is about 3 astronauts the want to go to the moon,but they have trouble with oxygen.They have too much Co2 and could die.Their names were Jim Lovell,Jack Swigert,and Fred Haise.
Apollo 13 crew and spacecraft
They were launched on April 11, 1970.Their lifeboat was the Lemm.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The lightning thief-Chpt.1

Yesterday we started reading the book The Lightning Thief.
The first chapter was called "I accidentally vaporized my Pre-Algebra teacher.Percy is a kid  that goes at Yancy Academy in New York City.His favorite teacher is Mr.Brunner.At the beginning they go at the Museum of Art.Percy needed to be good at the trip.Mr.Brunnr was the one who lead the trip.Percy Jackson was a half-blooded kid.He heated a giel named Nancy.He thought Mrs.Doods was an evil person.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Chuck E. Chesse's

My favorite field trip was going to Chuck E. Chesse's  in Kinder.It was fun because we got to play a lot of games.I liked playing i the balls.I got scared when I got lost big one.I got to play vs my friends at school.I enjoyed playing the game of the motorcycle.At the end I didn't wanted to leave.I wanted to stay longer.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My favorite soccer team!!


My favorite soccer team is Pumas U.N.A.M. They beat Chivas on 05-15-11.They are going to play vs Morelia.I think that Pumas is going to beat Morelia.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Mt game

I'm happy of my game.I liked how I made my hero walk.I din't get to finish my game because I was alone.I wasn't nominated.
I did evry thing wrong because I cant make my hero jump and shoot.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Best Blog

Tomorrow what I'm going to do for crazy hair day is to put all my hair up.It's going to be funny to see other people with their funny hair.I'm gonna put a lot of gel on my hair so it will stay like that all day.It's gonna hurt a lot when you touch it.My hair is gonna be so awesome.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Stand and Deliver

I like this movie because its inspirational and its also races.This movie is mainly about some kids learning calculus and doing a test.At last all kids pas the calculus test.Each year more and more kids were passing the calculus test.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I think kids can use I pads for learning because they could do a lot of researces.They also learn how to draw and do some stuff.
Also because they dont have to waste pencil.I think that the bad stuff is that they would be looking inappropiate stuff like youtube.Or just playing games.Sometimes uysing a lot the Ipads could make you forgett stuff that you already learned.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Game Gemo Progress

What I have done in my game demo is to do the game demo information.I still don't know how to put the game scenes on it.This time I'm not proud because I haven't finish it yet.I haven;t even learned how to make my charscter move or jump.I think /i'm going to get a bad grade.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Game Demo

  • Intro screen:Dirty World
  • Team Introduction:Leo
  • Audience:I'm designing this game for 6th graders.
  • Gameplay:The player sees the background messy and dirty,and he has to clean it.You need to jump on the mutants or shoot them medicine.Don't step on puddles or else you will startlevel again.You win by shooting medicine and clean the earth.The goal of the player is to clean the earth.
  • Learning goal:The learning goal is that only one person  can cause a whole mess.
  • Fun factor:What makes the game funis that you can shoot ,and it's a little bit hard.
  • Smart factor:My game teaches how to play.What someone can learn by playing it is  that only one person  can cause a whole mess.
  • Style factor:You will use the arrow keys and there will be a song.
  • Originality factor:My game is special because is not to violent.It should sell because people will like it a lot.

Monday, April 11, 2011


I think bloons will help me to shoot.I search in about the gamr google.shootingwill help me because it might have how to do it

Friday, April 8, 2011

Game Progress Reflection

In Flash I learned how to make a button.I made a cool drawing of a guy holding a Ping Pong gun.I didn't help someone else o their game,because is their game not mines.My biggest challange in flash was tryinh to make my hero move.I'm proud of my work because it looks nice,and neat.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A visit from the president

I think president Obama should visit our school because he can learn things from our school.Also because he can see how we are doing with technology.I think That Obama could come to also know more about East Austin College Prep Academy.I think he would be very proud to see us.Obama could know our principal also.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Blogging about Blogging

Some reasons blogging is good is because it helps remember about what you have learned in school.Also because you learn how to use it.Kids should be able to blog about stuff.

Friday, April 1, 2011

The blind side

The movie I saw was The Blind Side.This movie is about a kid that doesn't know anything about school.The kid's name was Michael Oher,but people called him"Big Mike".He always gets 0's.One time a lady named Leigh Ann Thouy.She made sure that Michael got a scholarship.Michael played football,and he was getting more famous for his strength.Every team wanted him on their team.He got token away from his mom when he was 7 years old.He played at Ole Miss University at Mississippi.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Boombot 2

The game I'm playing is Boombot 2.This game is awesome because you need to make the character fly to the door.This game gets harder and harder.Reynel is trying this game to.I'm bearly on level 33.Some times I hate this game,and sometimes I love it.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

What ever it takes

Name/school=Bronx Center Of Science & Matematics.Sherifea was the #8 to got acepted to the Dartmouth program.This is mainly about a pricipal. Sherifea went to college.I like this movie.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The wizard

      The movie we saw was the wizard.This movie is about a game arcade competition at Los Angeles,California.At the beginning the police finds Jimmy walking down the street,and wants to go to California.Corey and Jimmy edecide to go to california.On the way they found a girl named Haley.On a game Haley bets Corey that if Jimmy beats her score she will give him some money.When Jimmy beats her score,Corey takes the money away from Haley.They got some people to take them,but when the truckers saw their money and took it away and left them at half-way.

     At the end Jimmy won the game.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Spring Break

My plan for spring break is to chill and have fun with my bothers and sisters.My family and me were also planing to go to
Corpus Christi and have fun at the beach.I think it's going to be awesome.I cont wait for that day.We are going to invite other people.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


What I want to be on the future is to be a golie of a soccer team.
The team I want to be golie for is for PUMAS U.N.A.M.I think Pumas is a great team.I watch almost all of Pumas games.I also want to be foward later on for the same thing. 

Monday, March 7, 2011

Our paper prototype helped us plan our game of  about how it's going to look like.Some thoughts were to at least make our best.
I'm working on the backgrounds of our game.Reynel is working on the characters.Our game is coming out great.This game is going to be a lot of fun.

Friday, March 4, 2011

My paper prototype

On my paper prototype was cool.My voice sounded funny,and I couldn't belive it.
Heres my video!!!

Car Race

In science I won the race with Daniel L.We thought our car wouldn't work,but it did.We beat Salvador & Beto.Daniel didn't do none.I did the whole thing and he was just staring,thats why I got to blow the ballon and he didn't.

Friday, February 25, 2011

MalcolmX #2

      Numbers 821,128,and 218 were the numbers to play.Malcolm X was somebody that worked on a train.The teacher says to the kid that he cant be a lawyer because he's black.Malcolm X got mad because they were talking about his mother.Malcolm X was a robber.

    People wanted to kill Malcolm X because he had more power than others.Malcolm X was from Harlem,New York.Elijah Muhammad let many lady's pregnant.When Malcolm X was up a man said "take your hand out of my had",and when that happened everything got out of control,and then is the part where they killed Malcolm X.Malcolm X was trying to hide from the guys that wanted to kill him.Malcolm X went to Mecca which is the religion of the muslim.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


  • The most important concept I want to give to the player is that the world is affected by pollution.
  • We decided that recycling and air pollution was almost the same so we did it on how aur pollution affects our air and our health.
  •  We work together by saying who is going to do what and how we plan our game.
  • We did web research and we found lots of intresting stuff.We also looked on books to see how to draw a monster.
  • The player has to save the mutants by shooting them medicine in their body.
  • Yes,at the beaginning we had not so cool ideas,but then we started to ask the teachers.

More thoughts on Globaloria

Globaloria has changed a lot because you are starting to have more experience on how to do your stuff without asking the teacher.
Globaloria has changed more by helping others students.Globaloria has things that others cannot do on the computer.This class has
things that others cannot have.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Globaloria reflection

One thing I have learned in Globaloria is how to make a minigame,upload files,change passwords,make links,and put videos on our blog.
My favorite thing about my Globaloria class is that we can stay longer than others do.And also  that sometimes we can play some games on Playing to learn.
I think being in Globaloria now will help me in the future because I can get good at technology.Also it can help me so in the future I can help others that don't know about technology.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Learning goal

My teams topic is recycling.The most important concept I want to give to the players is that if we don't take care of our world we cannot survive.Some people don't even care about it.People shouldn't throw plastic in ocean and start recycling,because that can kill a lot of fish.Pollution also can cause lung problems
because of all the chemicals and it will very slowly kill your lungs and that may cause lung cancer.Air pollutioncould hurt a lot of people including animals and plants.Air pollution has many affects. If it is in the form of gases in the atmosphere, it can cause global warming and Ozone Layer depletion. These gases can also condense within clouds and pollute the rain that falls, subsequently polluting the water and land that the rain falls onto. Also, air pollution can be very harmful if breathed in by humans.When pollution (Greenhouse gases) build up in the earth's atmosphere, they trap heat. So as more green house gasses build up, more heat is trapped in earth's atmosphere, therefore causing earth to heat up which is causing global warming.Cars also create air pollution.400,000 people in China each year die premature deaths due to pollution.These are soem links of articles and videos!
1)Air pollution
2) Air pollution in Beijing,China
3)Pollution in Chile Santiago
4)pollution article

Monday, February 14, 2011

Learning goal

My teams topic is recycling.The most important concept I want to give to the players is that if we don't take care of our world we cannot survive.Some people don't even care about it.People shouldn't
throw plastic in ocean and start recycling,because that can kill a lot of fish.A lot of pollution kills a lot of people. 

Mad Hot Ballroom

I think the messege of this movie is we need to try or best make to what we want.The indigo team wanted to win and they try their best,so they got what they wanted.If you want to be a doctor then you need to try your best.People need to go to the right side,and not to the bad side.This movie made me happy.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Malcolm X

821,128,and 218 were the numbers to play.Malcolm X was somebody that worked on a train.The teacher says to the kid that he cant be a lawyer because he's black.Malcolm X got mad because they were talking about his mother.Malocolm X was a rober.

Mad hot ballroom

This movie is about two shools competing in a dance and try to win.One of the teams wins.Some kids cry because they couldn't make it.This kids are small fifth graders.They are Puerto Ricans that are also involved in the activity.Merengue comes from Dominican Republic witch its the type of genre they dance.

oregon trail #2

What I think about the oregon trail game is that its kind of hard  and you die so fast.And also you don't have a lot of money to buy enough
for every people.What's cool about it it's that you get to hunt with the bullets you bought.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Oregon trail

1.Who do you think this game was made for?
I think this game was made for middle schoolers.
2. What does the player see and do?

The player need to make it to the oregon. 
3. What are the rules and how do you win?

You can pick your stuff. 
4. What is the goal of the game?

The goal of the game is to make it to the oregon. 
5. What will the player learn by playing this game?

Many people died
6. What makes this game fun for the player?

You can pick your stuff
7. What kind of graphic/animation are in the game?

Moving animation 
8. What kind of sounds are in the game?

9. What makes this game special and unique?

the ox 
10. Why will it sell?

Teaches people

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My dream is to be a Goalie

When I grow up I want to be a goalie of a soccer team.I want to be known all over the world.I want my pictures to be all over the world.I
want to be like Iker Casillas and Guillermo Ochoa.I want to get a lot of money and be rich.I will be on TV and in the news.I want to be playing vs every single team in the world.I want to play day & night.
My family is going to be so proud of my.Iam also going to have a really big house were I can live with my whole family.

Friday, January 28, 2011


Some thoughts in working as a team is to have ideas.Some disadvantages are to copy each other.Some adventages are we can do
the things right if we work together well.This can help us work together.Teams also need to agree with each others idea.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Who - The character you just created.
Where - Where does the action take place?

San Fransisco,California
When - When does the action take place?
At night
What - What is the problem the character is facing?
To clean San Fransisco,California 

Why - Why is this issue important to your character?
It might kill him too.
How - How is your character going to overcome this problem?
Cleaning it.
1. What is the name of your character?
The name of my character is Joe.

2. What is the age of your character?
His age is 12.

3. Does your character have any pets? If so, what kind and how many?
No,It doesn't have any pets.

4. Does your character have any brothers or sisters?
No,It doesn't have any brothers or sisters.

5. What does your character look like?
It looks like hes a Chicanoo,also skinny,but strong.

6. What hobbies does your character have?
Sometimes did bad stuff.

7. What other interests does your character have?
Save the whole U.S

8. What does your character like to do the most?
To chill.

9. What is your character’s least favorite thing to do?
To pick up the trash.

10. What are your character’s beliefs?
He belives in god.

11. Is your character outgoing or shy?
To meet you.

12. Do other people enjoy being around your character?

13. What does your character like to do in his/her free time?
To chill.

14. Does your character like to read short stories or books? If yes, what kind of short stories or books
does your character like to read?
He can read.

15. Does your character like to write short stories or books?

16. Is there any other information about your character that you need to know?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Play testing

What I would do to improve my game is try hard on it.I would stay on task.I would try to tell everyone about what my game is about and how it works.This game might be one of the best games. 

Monday, January 24, 2011

The pact

The movie I saw was The Pact.In this movie 1,600 work at numark,but only 80 of them are African American.Living bad is not a correct way to live.This movie is about three doctors that give comments to other people to follow the good and not the bad stuff.All the violence needs to stop.We need the right thing to be someone in the future.The doctors says that they also had dreams when they were young kids like us right now.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Knights of the lunch table

The book I read was Knights of the lunch table.This book is written by Frank Cammuso.This book is about a kid named Artie that
his sister signed him up for the dragon duel competition.His friend Wayne broke Mrs.Daggers windshield of her new car.So he needed to pay Mrs.Dagger 300 dollars for a new windshield.So in the dragon competition,his friend Gwen made him a robot.He and his friend Wayne wanted to cheat with a remote that turned off all dragons,but he realized that that was cheating so the threw it on the trash.On the competition Artie won because he flipped Joe's robot.They got the 300 dollars to pay for Mrs.Daggers windshield.I

recommend this book to kids who like fantasy books.The main characters are Artie,Percy,Gwen,and Wayne.

My week

What Ive done in this week was great.We played the Wii on
P.E Monday,Wednesday,and Friday.Tomorrow I will go to a party
At my cousins house,because its going to be his birthday.

Friday, January 7, 2011

What are you reading?

What I'm reading now is Knights of the lunch table (the dragon players) by Frank Cammuso.this book is about a kid named Artie that 
someone signed him up for the dragon duel competition.He wanted to make a robot ,but her friend Gwen made it for him.He and his friend Wayne wanted to cheat with a remote that turned off all dragons,but he realized that that was cheating so the threw it on the trash.Artie won because he flipped horde's dragon.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Winter Break

What I did on  Winter Break is that on Christmas I got a cool laptop.
On new year I popped fireworks on my aunts backyard.My little cousin had a sparkler and then he threw it on the dry grass.
The grass started to catch on fire,but we turned the fire
off.When I was popping fireworks I lighted one ,but
nothing happened.Then 5 seconds later the firework popped in my hand and it hurted my ear.We were also lightning fire for the fireworks.I burned my finger a littlebit.We were also jumping on the fire to turn it off.My little's sisters boot was catching
on fire ,but we turned off.At 12:00 o'clook
we went inside to eat some tamales.that day was fun:)